Saturday, June 13, 2009

Another Loss

Few month ago I lost a brother to a cancer. Muhamad Zafrullah Riza. He lived in Makassar, a city we were born and grew up. I heard of his grave condition and flew there to see him. I had a chance to say goodbye, I attended his funeral. I stayed in his house a night after his death, I know hew would like that. It was a huge loss for me, and I was glad I was there with him until at the end.
Yesterday, I was on my way home from work when my brother called me with a sad news. My younger sister Dian Mayasari Riza unexpectedly passed away. It was an unbearably sad news to me. She was my little sister. She was just remarried and was happy with her new life. She left two lovely daughters. I remember her well now, how jovial she was. Loud and funny, though and sensitive. Life has not always be kind to her, but she persevere and always came out OK. I remember her to be the most affected by my father death. I remember her jokes and her love of noodles and beef balls from street vendor. I remember her fascination with her make-up and appearance. I remember my little sister and I miss her so, I hope I have been a good brother to you. Rest in Peace.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Being productive in between yawns

The hardest thing for me is to decide when to stop and go to bed. It seems trivial when all I can do is yawning. My old me, the one that doesn't seems to need much sleep has been bothered by the new me, the yawner before midnight. I have recruited the help of coffee pods and heavy teas, yawns persists. I tempted my self with great articles and applaudable music, the yawns pushed harder. I seems to stare through the two inches iMac, even though I am actually reading or writing, cleaning images, or selecting few photos out of thousands, given it is not that interesting. But I used to do all this with such easy of unblinking eyes and zero yawn. I am troubled by getting old.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Sense of Direction

I always pride my self for having such a good sense of directions. In life, generally speaking and geographically, not to count some moments of confusion after coming out from a subway station in an unfamiliar places. I picture my life in a long line of string(s) both end attached to nails on opposite walls. One end is attached to a single nail on the wall, on the other end it is loosely attached to one of many nails on the wall. Along the length of the string(s) hanging are object and markers, pictures and visions, songs and noise that often tighten, often loosen but always adding point of interest along the lines.

Monday, April 14, 2008


So, I finally finished another sketchbook. I have dedicated this book to a friend, Once finished I to send the book as promised. It is surprisingly long time to complete, it has become a journal of my covered parallel existence in lines and marks. I hope friendship and love last longer than the stories drawn in this book.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Self Med

I find it funny and annoying to get sick on ly on the weekends. But it seems to work that way with my body, I was build to be one of the worker bees, that even my unwell is scheduled not to interrupt my work.
Through the year, like most people I know, who exchange germs on the subway, stair railings or in the badly ventilated offices, I got sick, here and there. I anticipated this during the shifting of the seasons, flu or cold... but mostly common cold. I rarely visit doctor, unless some kind of infection involved, respiratory related. I self medicate.
Over the years I have relyed on traditional medicine I brought from home, Tiger Balm and "Minyak Tawon" or Wasp's Oil which is actually herbal mixtures with eucalyptus oil and camphor. Rubbing my self with these, mostly around the chest area, warm pajamas and layers of blankets, along with lots of sleep, occasional get-up for hot teas or warm water, would somehow guaranteed to take me out of common misery of cold. But, lately all those were just to much work! I now chose to knock my self out at night with NyQuil, and during the day prop my self up with DayQuil. Done.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

State of Mind

I have been distracted lately, not much activity in the creative department other than work. I have been taking photographs, but very behind in editing and posting. I started new sketchbook on food, but stopped working on it, and for a while even misplaced the thing. My distractions have mostly emotionally sources, something that I always try to analyze, solved and resolved, even though I know the best thing to do actually to just let it flow. It's better now. I let things go and started to plan a couple of creative projects. Today I had encouraging email. So it's even better. We all need an angel to save or state of mind...

Monday, July 09, 2007

Been Busy

Sketchbook Two - Pen/Ink Drawing
Originally uploaded by moriza
Wow, I haven't post in a while. I have been traveling much, so not much time to sit and formulate something in writing. It does not mean I have not been creating, drawing or being the artist me. In fact, I have been drawing, in fact A LOT! Always carried in my back is my camera, my sketchbook with couple of working black pen. Now it is just a matter of finding time to scan or captures them drawings. Coming Soon, is all I can say about that.